Services Brief

We provide long whole-day care and education services to children aged 2 to 6.


Day including child care and kindergarten


Occasional Child Care Service


Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre


Extended Hours Child Care Service

School Characteristics


To convey caring culture and positive messages to families and the community, to create safe and appropriate environment for children's growth and to nurture children's initiative and independence in learning through a variety, balanced and enlightening play activities.

Curriculum Features

Through diversified and enlightening play exploratory activities story-based approach, 'Leap!' the body education, project study as forms of pedagogy to implement the balanced, integrated and spiral program. Our curriculum stresses child-centred approach to provide safe, healthy, systematic, balanced and enriching learning environment through developmentally appropriate by age, culture and individuals, curriculum to build strong foundation of abilities, good learning attitudes and living habits.

School Facilities

The school has floor area of 625 sq.m., which includes 3 activities rooms, indoor gross motor playground, small group room, music room, kitchen, kid's lavatory, principal room, staff room, laundry and store room, etc.

Each activity room provides diverse age-appropriate learning corners, to include dramatic play, language, art and crafts books, construction play, practical life learning, nature and science toys and games, etc. for inspire children's learning interests and potentials.

Parent Testimonials

感謝老師過去一年對思彤的悉心照料!!由開學初期,思彤尚未習慣學校生活常哭鬧,至現在常說「要返學」,真的很大的轉變。看見她的轉變、成長……全賴有您們!! 感恩彤彤的生命中有您們的出現。學校的支援對家長真的十分重要,感激過去的配合及支持。

Parent Testimonials

感謝老師過去一年對思彤的悉心照料!!由開學初期,思彤尚未習慣學校生活常哭鬧,至現在常說「要返學」,真的很大的轉變。看見她的轉變、成長……全賴有您們!! 感恩彤彤的生命中有您們的出現。學校的支援對家長真的十分重要,感激過去的配合及支持。